A Path to Purpose - The Core Tenets of NextBetter
“I heard you die twice, once when they bury you in the grave. And the second time is the last time that somebody mentions your name. So when I leave here on this earth, did I take more than I gave? Did I look out for the people, or did I do it all for fame?”
As you’re nearing the end of your life, what do you hope to have accomplished? When you lay your head down at night, and you don’t have one single thought flickering through your mind, because you know you did what you were supposed to do….what was it that you did? That is you pursuing your Purpose. And that is what I’ve dedicated my life to helping you do. But it’s most certainly not easy, and it doesn’t just start at the top. There’s a process to get there.
I love Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. It’s simple. It’s visual. It’s effective, and applies universally. And although we can move from one level to the one above and below from time to time, it’s also a SYSTEMATIC PROCESS. It explains that for a human to better reach their best self, they have to first take care of their basic needs. Once they’ve done that, they can progress. Doesn’t that just make sense? How are you supposed to have self-esteem if you can’t even feed yourself? How can you hope to find satisfaction in the workplace if you don’t have a meaningful connection with anyone?
So started to think (if you know me, you know that’s my favorite pastime, hobby, and professional strength). If we have to follow this hierarchy to reach a higher level of meaning in our lives, couldn’t that also be a template in other processes of our life? And so in the course of building NextBetter, I’ve modeled our Core Tenets to Maslow’s Hierarchy. The Core Tenets are what I believe it takes to reach a life of PURPOSE. And here’s what I mean:
Gratitude - How could we hope to life a meaningful life, to pursue higher levels of intention, if we can’t be thankful for all that we have NOW? Thankful for the food in our stomachs, the house that keeps us safe, the relationships we hold, the life we live (all the needs that build the foundation of Maslow’s Hierarchy). To live a life of Purpose, we must first build a strong, broad foundation of Gratitude.
Empathy - Similarly to Maslow’s Hierarchy, we must be able to create deep, significant relationships with others, both personal and professional. The only way to build these relationships is through Empathy. If we can practice seeing life through the other person’s perspective, we can begin to act to bring them value. And the only relationships that work are ones in which all individuals bring value to each other.
Responsibility - To continue moving forward in life and up on Maslow’s Hierarchy, we must create within ourselves a sense of self-esteem, confidence, and achievement. The best way to hold yourself back from developing confidence is by creating a mindset that your own success is out of your control. To create self-efficacy, you must take Responsibility for everything within your control, both good and bad.
Betterment - The process of improving. The act of consistently working towards a better version of what you are creating. We all have the desire to become better in some way, and the only way to continue climbing our own “mountain” is to continue improving. There is always more that we can do, and we must act to pursue Betterment each day.
Purpose - Why am I here? Why am I taking this current path? Why is this important to me? Many of us long for a life of Purpose. Fortunately, we are the only ones that can say what that purpose is. But what I can tell you is, to truly pursue your Purpose, you must first lay a foundation of Gratitude, be Empathetic to all you meet, take Responsibility for your own success, and strive to be Better, every day. ☐
Actions to Take/Thoughts to Ponder
Where are you on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs? Where do you want to be?
Create your own Core Tenet Pyramid - Draw a Pyramid with 5 Levels. Label each one with the Core Tenets like the image above (leave room to write). Write everything you are grateful for that you can fit in the foundation. Write how you practice empathy with your closest loved ones. List what you are responsible for at the highest level you can. Jot down what you are trying to get better at (and Contact Us if you’re not sure how). Write down your Purpose Statement at the top. Not sure what it is? Read Simon Sinek’s Start with Why, and then his follow up Find Your Why.
© NextBetter, LLC 2024